Sunday, June 28, 2009

One of your greatest weapons in the battle for a better body is a knife and a fork!

A lot of people train there butts off every day in and out of the gym wonderingwhy there not getting the results they looking for. “I don’t understand it, I workout for hours but I just can’t get rid of this fat!” is what a person might say who doesn’t have a clue about how important there eating habits are in relation to how they look and feel.It doesn’t matter whether your trying to lose fat or gain muscle or both, a sound and consistent diet is a key component in getting to where you want to be with your body.

Many times in fact, people already know how important diet is! They just can’t seem to commit to a eating plan. They blame there hectic schedule, or they blame the diet. Well maybe it’s about asking yourself whether or not this is important enough to you.Because if it is important enough to you then you will find a way. You will do what you have to do to insure you get all your healthy meals in throughout the day. Remember, the food that you eat makes up at least 80 percent of how you look and feel! I don’t care about what training program your on, how much cardio you do or what your personal trainer says, if your not making diet a priority then your way behind in the game.

So pick a diet and stick with it, be as consistent as possible and be patient. I can’t stress patients enough! Patients is a very important attribute to have when it comes to ALL areas of health and fitness. Try giving a diet at least two months before deciding it doesn’t work. A lot of success in anything you do (diet included) has to do with being patient enough and allowing enough time to see whether or not what your doing is working for you. Be sure that you allow enough time before you start seeing results from your endeavors. Nutrition is a very important area in health and fitness and that’s one of the reason why I’m starting things off with a post about diet and what a major role it plays when it comes to looking and feeling your best.

Be sure to make diet a priority before you venture on any new fitness program. Before you master other areas, try to get your diet in order then move on to finding the perfect program or trainer. This is a very important piece of the puzzle and can’t be overlooked.So just remember, diet makes up at least 80 percent of how you look and feel. if you really want to look and feel your best start implementing a sound and consistent eating regimen, you’ll be glad you did!